Travelling to Jogja

Yogyakarta is known as a city of culture, students, and affordable city. Jogjakarta is located in central of Java.
City of Culture
If you want to come to Jogjakarta, please visit these places:
Borobudur Temple, Prambanan Temple, Pantai Selatan ( Parangtristis, Kukup, Krakal, Sundak), Malioboro, Jogjakarta Sultan Palace. You can also enjoy lot of Javanesse tradition such as dance, hand-made crafts, Grebeg, and others.
City of Students
There are lots of university and qualified school in Jogja. Jogjakarta is famous with the best education environment. The top universities in Jogja are UGM, Atmajaya, UII, UI, UNY, Sanata Dharma.
Affordable City
You are able to live here in Jogja with a cheap cost. For food, you spend for only 20,000 rps per day. For transportation, a luxurious bus, named Trans Jogja, is available for you with only 3000 rps per route.